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Machine List

#1) Okuma CNC Milling Center

MC-V4020, Vertical with CT-40 taper

Table size = 20” x 40”

“Z” Axis stroke = 18” (less tool length)

8000 RPM spindle with thru spindle coolant

20 tool automatic tool changer

#2) HAAS CNC Milling Center with 4 axis capability

VF-6, Vertical with CT-40 taper

Table size = 30” x 60”

“Z” Axis stroke = 27” (less tool length)

18” diameter capable on rotary 4th axis (HRT310)

10,000 RPM, 30 hp spindle with thru coolant

40 tool automatic tool changer

#3) Acra Vertical Milling Machine

3 axis DRO

3 axis power feed

10” x 48” table

60 – 4200 variable speed spindle

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